Dr. Martin Sahlén
Researcher in Cosmology and Astrophysics
My work is at the intersection between theoretical and observational cosmology, with an emphasis on modelling and constraining dark energy, modified gravity, neutrino properties, non-Gaussianity, and other cosmological components - as well as methods for testing fundamental assumptions in the concordance model of cosmology. In this context, I employ state-of-the-art statistical and numerical methods to analyze data and forecast future experimental capabilities from surveys of cosmological expansion and growth of structure. Recent work includes predictions for tests of non-concordance and modified-gravity models with voids.
Some of my work focuses on using galaxy clusters and voids as cosmological probes, especially as a member of the Euclid Consortium, the Square Kilometre Array working groups, 4MOST, the XMM Cluster Survey (XCS) and the XXL Project.
Thesis: "Bayesian constraints on dark energy and cosmic structure from supernovae, galaxy clusters and other probes"
Supervisor: Prof. Andrew Liddle
Thesis: "Direct Reconstruction of the Quintessence Potential"
Supervisors: Prof. Lars Bergström
Thesis: "Gamma Rays from Primordial Black Holes in Supersymmetric Scenarios"
Supervisor: Prof. Lars Bergström, Stockholm University
Please contact me for your queries, I will get back to you soon asap!
Uppsala University, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Box 516, SE-751 20 Uppsala, Sweden